The AIthena trading bot is an artificial intelligence based trading software that links directly to your platform without the need for a VPS or leaving your computer open non stop. 

Why Aithena is good

Low Technical Requirements

Many trading bots require a VPS (Virtual Private Server) or are run as an Expert Advisor in MT4 or MT5 and need your platform running 24/5. This isn’t ideal as computers and laptops need to be updated from time to time, plus the potential for power outages or the internet going down causing interruptions. Interruptions in trading can be dire, so avoiding outages are a huge plus. Aithena runs on its own server so you don’t have to do anything technical and reduce the risk of outages and issues. 

Artificial Intelligence

As AIthena runs on artificial intelligence and as trading is a price and data based concept, AI is well positioned to create an advantage for traders.  

No Manual Requirements

Once you’ve logged in to Eaconomy and connected to your brokerage account to the AI trading bot, it will be running. Keep an eye out to ensure that a trade comes through over the next few days (maybe a week or two later depending on the market). It runs itself and you don’t have to touch it. 

Be Aware of Your Risk

While the trades seem to be decent, too high risk will kill any trade strategy. Sticking with the low risk options at least until you get a feel for the returns and trades. Generally, people will get excited and up the risk to try make more money. Unfortunately, this often results in disaster for the trading account balance then the ensuing ‘cry scam’ theme that these over riskers run with once they mess up.

Keeping risk settings low is one way to stay afloat and figure out your risk tolerance in line with the strategy in the long run.

AiThena Trading Bot Review

The AItrading bot functions as it should, the only question is, are the trades profitable long term? 

If you set the risk high it will result in ruin, that’s simple maths and is the case with any trading system ever made. If you maintain proper risk management and keep it at a safe level, the ai trading bot seems to run nicely. Check out more on Eaconomy (the provider of AiThena).

How does AiThena work?

AiThena links to a brokerage account (many people use Vantage Markets, Pepperstone or Eightcap). These accounts provide platform access to MetaTrader 4 or 5 (MT5) at no cost which is a commonly used trading platform. To link AiThena to your brokerage account, simply log in using your MT5 platform details and click ‘connect’. That’s it, its really easy and doesn’t require technical skills or trading knowledge.

What Does AiThena Trade?

AiThena trades forex markets such as AUDUSD, USDCAD EURCAD and more. 


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