Looking to guest post on our site? We accept guest posts on finance and investment topics. 

Whether you have a topic you want us to write about, or you have content you want to get out there, we accept your post AND help you promote it.

Topic ideas we accept include: Forex market updates, Stock market updates, Useful investing ideas and concepts, Interest rates and compounding interest, Cryptocurrency and more. Our core goal is for our readers to benefit from our content, so if your post helps us do that, we look forward to hearing from you. 

Guest and Sponsored Post Rules

  • Guest posts must be unique content for Global Finance Trading Only
  • Guest posts must be great content, short or long, there needs to be value to readers.
  • Global Finance Trading reserve the right to edit the post.
  • We do not accept affiliate links however you can link to your website.
  • We will look into the product or service and will not accept guest posts from misleading or otherwise providers. Guest posters need to provide a benefit to the readers both in the content and in their product/service.
  • Guest posters must respond to any comments within a 3 months of when the post goes live on the website.
  • Sponsored posts (written by Global Finance Trading) will require upfront payment after agreeing on a topic. 
  • We are open to advertising for you in a sponsored format (Sponsor pays for Facebook/Twitter ads). 
  • We use part of the investment to promote your post in Facebook ads, if you have a preferred audience we can adapt our marketing. 
  • We promote the blog post on our Facebook page and Twitter account. If an infographic is provided, we also post this to our Pinterest account.  
  • Guest poster must promote (post) this on their official social media accounts if applicable. 
  • Poor content quality, unaccepted products/services or incorrect information will not be accepted.
  • Global Finance Trading reserve the right to accept or decline any post prior to posting it live.

Pricing is negotiable, however the average price is currently $50 USD per post. 

Banner ads will be accepted if on topic (Investing and Finance). The current rate is $10 USD per month per page/post.

If you are interested in a guest post, sponsored post or banner ad on Global Finance Trading please get in touch via our contact us page.