Show you how to make hundreds or thousands per month from affiliate marketing in the trading industry. Stay to the end to because I’m giving 2 of the first affiliates my customers from my own automated machine to build up your business and get you earning your first dollars, I literally hand you money over the internet.

1. Choose a Topic or Niche

This example I’m using the forex and crypto trading niche

There’s plenty to write about, make videos on and people pay money for the products I’m about to show you.

Register for FREE Offer

2. Build content and Get Traffic

Using a combination of social media platforms and website, build content to draw in traffic.

Generate ideas on keywords for your niche. Write articles and post them. Create Youtube videos and link up your machine to improve your SEO throughout and start gaining new customers.

You may be scared of being in videos, but you don’t have to be! Late I’ll show you ways around this while still making amazing content.  

3. Incorporate your affiliate links

Adding your affiliate links to your content is essential. If someone likes your content or needs the product you talk about, they might go and buy through your affiliate link. When a lead clicks your link and buys, it attributes their purchase to you so that you get paid.

Basically, draw people to your content, get them excited and they buy. Then you make money.

4. Grow and Evolve

From here, you can grow and evolve as a marketer and generate more income as your content improves and draws in more traffic.

Global Finance Trading has been around for a few years at the time of this video, it took a while to learn the ropes (mostly self-taught) and now it is generating sales across multiple affiliate programs.

Like a spider, the more web you build, the better quality farmland you have, the more sales you make.

The Offer

This offer is something I never see done.

As an affiliate accepted into this exclusive offer, you will be handed leads and paying customers to quick start your motivation and bank account, PLUS be shown how to build your own business and lead flow from scratch. I’ve already got the customers coming in, I share them with you and you build your content based on what has already been working for me.

I show you the proof, I give you the paying customers and give you the strategy to grow.

Register using the link below to get started today and start earning your online income.

If you’re still not convinced, take a deeper dive into what we actually do to make this happen for you. I don’t believe in empty promises, but I do believe in inspiring others, and what better way than to help them create actual income in the early stages of your business.

Change my affiliate links to your affiliate links, so that you get paid and build your business fast, while you grow your ‘web’.

Help you create your own finance and trading niche site and content.

Provide you with a framework and template on creating content that attracts traffic and improves your SEO.

Show you Facebook ads that work, and how you can replicate the exact methods for your business.

Register for FREE Offer

Go In Solo

For those who are confident affiliates that already have a network to work with, feel free to jump right in and go solo. Here are your access details:

Affiliate Signup – Eaconomy Referral Code: globalfinancetrading

What Are You Selling?

Eaconomy have a range of tools that fit a range of financial market types. 

Manara Trading Tool

AiThena Trading Bot

There’s plenty more tools and features that Eaconomy offer and they are working on new tools all the time too. 


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