How to Place Order Tradovate API

Tradovate API links to the platform over the internet, allowing you to write code that can place orders to your trading account. 

In the guide, we share the steps to create your API, set up the credentials and where you find them and finally how to actually place your order.

Watch the Tradovate API Python Tutorial

What You Need for Tradovate API Python

In order to create the automated trading program, you need python, a Tradovate account and Tradovate API access.

What is covered in the Tradovate API Turorial?

In this Tradovate API tutorial, we show how to create the API, what you need to store (such as the secret key) and where to find your credentials when you want to authenticate your access token and connect to your Tradovate platform via the API. 

Then we cover the python code that includes this authentication process and show you how to place an order, create a daily timed entry and what it looks like in the platform once you have placed your order. 

Tradovate Code Language

In this tutorial, we go through the code using python language. The Tradovate API allows us to connect to the Tradovate platform, check the account, manage positions and place trades.

Tradovate Code Editor

The Tradovate code has been written in Visual Studio Code, however this code could potentially be made in something like notepad and saved as a .py file to run it on your computer. 

Tradovate API Access

To get API access, you need to register for it in the API area of settings from your Tradovate platform. 

Here's the Code for Tradovate API Python Timed Order

NOTES: The bold parts of the credentials section need to be changed to your own information as outlined in the tutorial video. The Market Order parameters have bold sections which can be adjusted to suit your strategy and symbol. Finally, the time settings towards the bottom of the code can be adjusted to suit your “buy or sell at set time” strategy, as well as adjust your time zone to suit the platform time. Be sure to check the video if you get stuck, as it covers where the information comes from.

This code places a market order on gold at the given time each day. This is not financial advice, simply the code framework so you can input your own strategy.

import requests
import schedule
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import uuid
# Tradovate API credentials
USERNAME = USERNAME           # Replace with your Tradovate username
PASSWORD = Password                   # Replace with your Tradovate password
CLIENT_ID = CID NUMBER                          # Replace with your client ID
CLIENT_SECRET = CLIENT SECRET                # Replace with your client secret
DEVICE_ID = DEVICE ID  # Unique device ID (use a generated UUID if needed)
APP_ID = APP ID                 # Typically “Tradovate Trader”
APP_VERSION = “0.0.1”                       # Application version
# Market order parameters
TARGET_PROFIT = 200   # $200 target profit
MAX_LOSS = -100       # $100 max loss
CONTRACT_SYMBOL = GCZ4  # December Gold Futures Contract
ORDER_SIZE = 1        # Number of contracts to buy/sell
# Define base URLs
AUTH_URL = “”  # Authentication endpoint
API_BASE_URL = “″                      # Base URL for demo account actions
# Function to authenticate and obtain an access token
def authenticate():
    headers = {
        “accept”: “application/json”,
        “Content-Type”: “application/json”
    data = {
        “name”: USERNAME,
        “password”: PASSWORD,
        “appId”: APP_ID,
        “appVersion”: APP_VERSION,
        “deviceId”: DEVICE_ID,
        “cid”: CLIENT_ID,
        “sec”: CLIENT_SECRET
    response =, headers=headers, json=data)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        access_token = response.json().get(“accessToken”)
        print(f“Access Token: {access_token})
        return access_token
        print(f“Authentication failed: {response.status_code})
        return None
def get_account_id(token):
    account_list_url = f{API_BASE_URL}/account/list”
    headers = {‘Authorization’: f“Bearer {token}}
    response = requests.get(account_list_url, headers=headers)
    accounts = response.json()
    if accounts:
        return accounts[0][‘id’]
    raise ValueError(“No accounts found for the authenticated user.”)
def place_market_order(token):
    account_id = get_account_id(token)  # Dynamically fetch account ID
    order_url = f{API_BASE_URL}/order/placeorder”
    headers = {
        ‘Authorization’: f“Bearer {token},
        ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’
    order_data = {
        “accountSpec”: USERNAME,
        “accountId”: account_id,
        “action”: Buy,
        “symbol”: CONTRACT_SYMBOL,
        “orderQty”: ORDER_SIZE,
        “orderType”: “Market”,
        “isAutomated”: True
    print(“Placing order with data:”, order_data)
    response =, headers=headers, json=order_data)
    order_id = response.json()[‘orderId’]
    entry_price = response.json().get(‘price’, 0.0)
    print(f“Order placed with Order ID: {order_id}, Entry Price: {entry_price})
    return order_id, entry_price
# Function to monitor position and exit on profit/loss targets
def monitor_position(token, entry_price, order_id):
    while True:
        # Check current price
        price_url = f{API_BASE_URL}/market/price/{CONTRACT_SYMBOL}
        headers = {‘Authorization’: f“Bearer {token}}
        price_response = requests.get(price_url, headers=headers)
        current_price = price_response.json()[‘price’]
        # Calculate profit or loss
        profit_loss = (current_price entry_price) * ORDER_SIZE
        print(f“Current P/L: ${profit_loss:.2f})
        # Exit on target profit or max loss
        if profit_loss >= TARGET_PROFIT or profit_loss <= MAX_LOSS:
            exit_position(token, order_id)
            print(f“Exited position with P/L: ${profit_loss:.2f})
        time.sleep(5)  # Check every 5 seconds
# Function to exit the position
def exit_position(token, order_id):
    close_url = f{API_BASE_URL}/order/cancelorder”
    headers = {‘Authorization’: f“Bearer {token}}
    close_data = {
        “orderId”: order_id
    }, headers=headers, json=close_data)
# Schedule the order for 10 AM AEST
def schedule_order():
    token = authenticate()
# Schedule job for 10:00 AM AEST (convert to UTC)
aest_time = + timedelta(hours=10)  # Convert to AEST
target_time = aest_time.replace(hour=8, minute=51, second=0, microsecond=0)
while True:

Tradovate API Resources


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